Hi mummies and first-time mummies!
Would like to share with all fellow mums (and dads) this great love which I had stumbled across!
I am a mum of two young kiddies both currently below the age of 4. Elder girl A is 3.5y and Didi B is 1y.
Back when A was a baby in 2013/2014, the in-ear thermometer was (and still is) very popular so as a first time mom, not knowing anything, followed the crowd and bought that for her.
It's ok to use and served me well. However, when B came along two years or so later, it died on me forcing me to search again for a new thermometer to use for the kids.
As they are young, they fall sick with fever coughs and cold often, so having a good thermometer on hand is so very important!
And I found the SMARTTEMP! Someone had shared a video on Facebook and it intrigued me, so I got one to try love it for the ease and convenience it brings me as a busy mum!
The Smarttemp is a Bluetooth Thermometer which allows real-time temperature monitoring via an App on your mobile phone. HOW COOL IS THAT?!
It can also alarm to alert you when fever spikes.. OH MY! Such a useful feature for me as a full time working mum because sleep is so so so important for me to function well the next day. Having an alarm to alert feature, seriously saves me a lot of trouble having to wake every few hours through the night to check their temperature!
I love how small, thin and compact the Smarttemp is. The device is waterproof and 100% baby safe with no fear of B accidentally swallowing the tiny battery hence it can go into the bath or measure your bath water temperature.
I simply have to stick it on under the armpit and reach for my phone which is always close by whenever I want to check on the kids temperature. No need for running after them with the use of traditional methods.
I also love the app's temperature recording and graph feature, which helps a lot when mummy's brain can't work well on little sleep
Here's a picture of the Smarttemp and B when he had the fever for 5 days with a bad flu and cough

Being a full-time working mom with two kids below the age of 4, no maid to help with the household chores, anything that helps make my life easier as a busy mom, I LOVE IT!
Thank you Smarttemp! You're a lifesaver!
If you'd like to get it, check out the carousell page at http://carousell.com/p/98392040
or FaceBook page at www.facebook.com/mumengine for more reviews and information
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